Intermediary Brochures

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Maximise Tax Benefits This Year


Glacier International Definitive guide

Glacier International provides South African investors with direct international investment opportunities. Learn more about our entire offshore solution set in one concise guide


Two-Pot Retirement System Overview

To ensure that retirement fund members save enough for retirement and that their savings are protected, government has been reviewing and changing the laws that control the retirement fund industry over the last few years.


Introducing Glacier - Intermediary

Since 1997, Glacier by Sanlam has been the support behind every great financial intermediary. As a gateway to a world of limitless possibilities for local and offshore investing for your clients, we give you and your clients access to the best of local and global funds, from different fund managers, in one place. Introducing Glacier provides a snapshot of our business and how we contribute to your practice and value proposition as a financial intermediary.


Make an additional offshore investment in just a few clicks

The Glacier International Additional Offshore Investment feature automates a previously manual and administration-intensive process. Add to your clients’ offshore investments in just a few clicks, and save time, effort and paperwork.


Glacier Tax Guide 2024-2025

At Glacier, we understand that financial planning is a comprehensive journey, and tax efficiency is a crucial aspect of ensuring a secure financial future. That’s why we are proud to sponsor the MoneyMarketing tax guide for the 2024 – 2025 tax year, and hope that it will empower you to navigate tax complexities with confidence.


Two-pot retirement system: More on what it is about

The two-pot retirement system, expected to come into effect on 1 March 2024, will bring about a major change in the current way of saving towards retirement.


Glacier Solution Funds Sheet - July 2023

The Glacier Solution Funds, available on our Life Investment Solutions, are actively managed by professional teams that employ a well-articulated and disciplined process when scouring the universe of available collective investment funds and ultimately selecting the best available ones.


How to create a podcast and video

The world of communication has changed fundamentally. As a result of social distancing, the way we communicate and the channels we use ultimately will decide if our message lands effectively and the intended audience responds in the way that we hope it will.


Glacier Tax Guide 2023-2024

Glacier by Sanlam recognises the importance of tax planning as part of one’s overall financial planning. We’re pleased to sponsor the MoneyMarketing tax guide for the 2023 – 2024 tax year. We trust that the guide will prove invaluable in assisting you with completing tax returns, reviewing portfolios, or in solving any tax-related queries you may have.


Glacier Hedge Fund 101 and available funds by Glacier Research


Prudential exposure limits that apply to investments - December 2022

Investment exposure limits applicable to institutional investors and retirement funds (including members) are determined either in exchange control legislation or the Pension Funds Act (Regulation 28).


Glacier Sustainable World Enhancer - Intermediary brochure - December 2022

In a time of increased environmental and social consciousness, wouldn’t your clients feel good about investing in the greater good of humankind?


Glacier Sustainable World Enhancer - Intermediary brochure - October 2022

In a time of increased environmental and social consciousness, wouldn’t your clients feel good about investing in the greater good of humankind?


Living Benefits Claims

Helping your clients make the most of their disability lump sum benefit. Life is a journey, and as exciting as they are, journeys can also be unpredictable, sometimes requiring a detour. When your client’s journey takes an unexpected turn, you should be there to help them review their financial plan.



Government Notice 619 of 2020, published in the Government Gazette No. 43380 of 1 June 2020 raises the commutation threshold for annuities from R50 000 and R75 000 to R125 000.



Choose the most suitable investment solutions for your clients with the Glacier Solutions Guide.


How Glacier contributes to your value proposition as an intermediary

Creating gamma value, defining your client’s financial strategy, helping your client stay on track, and more. Glacier’s Business Development Managers unpack how Glacier supports you in increasing your client value proposition.


GlacierSustainableWorldEnhancer-Intermediary brochure-May2022

In a time of increased environmental and social consciousness, wouldn’t your clients feel good about investing in the greater good of humankind?


Glacier Tax Guide 2022-2023

Glacier by Sanlam recognises the importance of tax planning as part of one’s overall financial planning. We’re pleased to sponsor the MoneyMarketing tax guide for the 2022 – 2023 tax year. We trust that the guide will prove invaluable in assisting you with completing tax returns, reviewing portfolios, or in solving any tax-related queries you may have.


Fixed Return Investments

In uncertain times, many investors want security. We offer your cautious clients attractive investment opportunities with the Fixed Return Plan and the Fixed Return Plan with Income - five-year investment solutions which provide a specified return at the end of the investment term, and the option of receiving a specified income throughout the term.



As solutions architects, we seek to meet the objectives of our clients by building tailored portfolios, targeted to their specific goals.


Glacier AI Balanced Fund

On the back of the success of the Glacier AI Flexible Fund of Funds – which celebrated its third anniversary in September last year – we’re pleased to announce that we’ve expanded our range of AI funds to include the Glacier AI Balanced Fund.


Legal Matters - November 2021 - Binding General Ruling on Purchasing Annuities at retirement

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) recently published a binding general ruling (hereinafter referred to as “the Ruling”) on the purchase of different types of annuities at retirement from a retirement fund. In this edition, Lize de la Harpe unpacks the implications of this ruling.


Glacier Invest Global Solutions


Finding the perfect fit

Every client is different, with needs as varied as their taste in shoes. So, we asked experts in our business to have a look at three fictitious client scenarios and their specific needs. They then examined a blend of solutions to match the requirements and income needs of each client.


The Glacier Investment Hub - Co-browsing

Our new co-browsing functionality on the Glacier Investment Hub makes it even easier for us to assist you in an online environment. An eight-digit security code, given verbally to you by the Glacier representative assisting you, ensures the security of your information.


Glacier-World Class Capabalities

Glacier strives to offer our financial intermediaries and business partners world-class service, leading-edge technology and superior solutions. We know that in today’s fast-paced world, there just isn’t time for everything. By partnering with us, and making use of our time-saving offerings, you’ll free up time to do what you do best – serving and advising your clients.


Practical guide to offshore investing - Infographic

A snapshot of the benefits of investing oshore as well as the benefits of investing oshore via the Global Life Plan from Glacier International.


Glacier International Investing Offshore - What are my Options

Glacier International offers a variety of underlying investment options from which to choose. Whether you are investing for capital growth or income generation, aggressively or conservatively, we have a range of investment alternatives to suit your needs. There is a selection of avenues through which Glacier International investors can efficiently access global markets and themes. Here is a brief overview of commonly used options available via our platform.


Glacier International Exchange Traded Funds

Investors can now access global market indices through low-cost Exchange traded funds (ETFs) directly on the Glacier International Platform.


What a difference five years can make!

We know that the decision around early retirement is not an easy one. Esta Theron, business development manager at Glacier, examines how early retirement can impact a person’s capital retirement savings and the amount of their potential future gross monthly income after retirement.


Practical Implementation of POPIA

In essence, POPIA gives effect to section 14 of the Constitution which provides that everyone has the right to privacy. It provides the regulatory framework within which responsible parties may process personal information of data subjects (both natural persons as well as juristic persons).


Protecting your practice: In doubt about your social media posts?

If you’re unsure about the integrity of the social media content you are initiating, posting, liking, sharing, or forwarding, then do the Billboard Test. Leading South African legal expert on social media law and author, Emma Sadleir explains.


There is more than one way to construct a Glacier Personal Retirement Income Solution

All clients are different, with different needs for certainty, flexibility, growth and providing for loved ones. Glacier enables you to to easily build a sustainable, customised retirement income solution for your clients by combining different solutions. The Glacier Personal Retirement Income Solution (GPRIS) is designed for new retirees and the FlexiGuarantee Life Annuity (FGLA) is intended for existing living annuitants who start to require more income certainty.


The ten-step process of professional client engagement

Industry expert Anton Swanepoel outlines a framework for professional client engagement – the foundation of any successful advisory practice.


Glacier Cash Option

Provide your clients with an opportunity to actively put their cash to work in a cost-effective investment option geared to achieve inflation-beating returns.


Glacier Sustainable World Enhancer - Intermediary brochure (May 2021)

The Glacier Sustainable World Capital Enhancer is a structured investment solution that provides the opportunity for enhanced participation in the growth of companies that contribute to sustainable development across the globe, with the certainty of capital protection.


The Advantages of Combining Retirement Income Solutions

At retirement, different people need different things. One specific solution may not meet all their needs and risk concerns. A Personal Retirement Income Solution from Glacier could cover various needs, like stability and certainty, but also growth, and provision for loved ones after a client’s death.


Cumulus Echo Pension and Provident Preservers

For your clients, leaving an employer is part of building a career. Help them preserve and grow their hard-earned retirement savings in a product which rewards them for staying invested, and offers certain guarantees.



Preserving your hard-earned retirement savings in an approved fund until retirement will go a long way towards securing a carefree retirement. And while unexpected, retrenchment presents a valuable opportunity to make a calculated decision on how to optimally apply your retirement savings to achieve your goals.


Provident Fund and Provident Preservation Fund Annuitisation-T-day Impact

As part of the reforms, in March 2015, the Taxation Laws Amendment Act introduced changes to the Income Tax Act which were required to align the benefits and tax treatment of all types of retirement funds. As is the case with pension funds and retirement annuities, compulsory annuitisation now also extends to provident funds from 1 March 2021.


Glacier Globe - November 2020 - Issue Two

After an extremely challenging year, many readers will be looking to 2021 with cautious optimism. 2020 has been a year of focusing on the essentials only. However, difficult times do often present an opportunity to grow personally and to innovate and improve on the business front. Many innovations happen when one is forced to find an alternative way of doing things.


Glacier Sustainable World Enhancer - Intermediary brochure (December 2020)

The Glacier Sustainable World Capital Enhancer is a structured investment solution that provides the opportunity for enhanced participation in the growth of companies that contribute to sustainable development across the globe, with the certainty of capital protection.


Glacier Sustainable World Enhancer - Intermediary brochure (October 2020)

The Glacier Sustainable World Capital Enhancer is a structured investment solution that provides the opportunity for enhanced participation in the growth of companies that contribute to sustainable development across the globe, with the certainty of capital protection.


Legal Matters - The retirement fund industry vs the return of the prescribed assets requirement

In this edition we will dig a bit deeper into the concept of “prescribed assets”, recap the current legal stance as set out in legislation applicable to pension funds and then lastly look at the process to be followed in order to enforce such a change.


Legal Matters - Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 – Important update

After years of anticipation, the President recently announced the final implementation of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (often referred to as the “POPIA act”). In this Legal Matters we will recap on what POPIA entails and also look at the impact of its commencement.


Investing Offshore - Process Required

The offshore investment process is slightly more involved than the local one.


Changes to Life Investment Products

A new web-based Life Annuities & Investments Quote System which will replace the old desktop OfficeQuote package will be available on Sanport from 29 June 2020. We have also made improvements to our Life Annuity product range, as indicated in the table below. Most importantly, Plan 29 now includes all the features of Plan 27, so Plan 27 is closed to new business.


Sanlam Glacier Life Annuity Quote System Quick Guide

Simpler systems and automatic data capture to streamline the way you do business.


User-friendly features of the Life Annuities & Investments quote system

Use this guide to navigate the user-friendly features of the new quote system.


FAQ Expanding access to living annuity income

All reference to GN in this document refers to Government Notice 618 published in the Government Gazette No. 43379 on 1 June 2020, relating to the expanding of access to living annuity income for a relief period, 1 June 2020 – 30 September 2020 (subject to change by National Treasury).


Expanding access to living annuity income comprehensive document

This Government Notice (hereinafter referred to as the GN) delivers the long-awaited COVID-19 tax relief measure that will allow annuitants that own a living annuity and who also need cash immediately or who do not want to realise investments that have underperformed, to adjust their drawdown percentage temporarily.


Advantages of the FlexiGuarantee Life Annuity

The FlexiGuarantee Life Annuity is a conventional annuity with two components structured on the basis of a guaranteed life annuity and a living annuity.


The FlexiGuarantee Life Annuity compared to a stand-alone Living Annuity and Life Annuity

At retirement, clients have the option to diversify their retirement savings into several retirement income solutions to suit their unique needs.


Glacier FlexiGuarantee Life Annuity technical guide

The Glacier FlexiGuarantee Life Annuity (FGLA) is a conventional annuity which will consist of two components. One component will be a guaranteed life annuity whilst the other component will have some features that are similar to that of a living annuity.


What video conference application works the best Infographic

To enable social distancing, video conferencing has become a common platform to conduct meetings and stay connected with colleagues, clients and even family.


Legal Matters - Living Annuities at divorce

The treatment of living annuities (and resultant annuity income payments) at divorce has been a contentious point of law for years. A recent Supreme Court of Appeal judgement has shed a new light on the treatment of an annuitant’s right to future income payments for purposes of calculating accrual. In this edition we will assess the impact of this judgment on the future treatment of living annuity income payments at divorce.


Mastering your retirement plan

Mastery is knowledge and skill on a particular subject. Mastering your retirement income plan – what Roenica Tyson, Investment Product Manager at Glacier refers to as the Retirement Master Plan – means considering many solutions to ensure the best financial outcome in retirement.


Options with Glacier when retiring or resigning from the GEPF

What retirement solutions are available to your clients on retirement or resignation? This document unpacks the various solutions available.


Glacier Globe - December 2019 - Issue two

We’re talking all-things retirement in this issue of The Glacier Globe and our writers explore a much more enlightened way of viewing this particular stage of one’s life. We look at not just the income solutions available, but also some of the lifestyle considerations as well as emerging trends in the space, and tax considerations too.


Retirement Income Strategies - addressing the most prevalent concerns

No matter who we are, we all need to make certain decisions when it comes to retirement planning. These include deciding which type of retirement income product to purchase to ensure that our income needs will continue to be met throughout retirement.


The retirement fund industry Vs the return of the prescribed assets requirement

In this publication we will dig a bit deeper into the concept of “prescribed assets”, recap the current legal stance as set out in legislation applicable to pension funds and then lastly look at the process to be followed in order to enforce such a change.


Wealth Edge Model Portfolios: Guaranteed and Non-guaranteed funds

The model portfolios below are examples of how collective investment funds with the optional unit price guarantee in the Wealth Edge Endowment Plan can be blended with collective investment funds without the guarantee to construct diversified portfolios for specific risk profiles.


Glacier Invest Smart Portfolio Infographic

The portfolio management platform that brings you closer to the investment process.


The Investment Hub E-signing step-by-step guide

A step-by-step guide on how to use the E-signing process on the Glacier Investment Hub.


Let's stay connected

Learn how to connect with your Glacier business development team.


Return Enhancer Quick Summary

Helping your clients invest in the most appropriate solution can be challenging. Fixed income investments may not offer sufficient yield, especially after considering the impact of inflation and tax, while investors in equities may not be compensated for the volatility of the markets in a low return environment.


Return Enhancer Brochure

Helping your clients invest in the most appropriate solution can be challenging. Fixed income investments may not offer sufficient yield, especially after considering the impact of inflation and tax, while investors in equities may not be compensated for the volatility of the markets in a low return environment.


Capital Enhancer Quick Summary

The Glacier Capital Enhancer is a five-year tax-efficient investment option that is linked to the performance of a portfolio of global stocks and provides capital protection and enhanced return with uncapped upside.


Capital Enhancer Brochure

The Glacier Capital Enhancer is a five-year tax-efficient investment option that is linked to the performance of a portfolio of global stocks and provides capital protection and enhanced return with uncapped upside.


Global Life Plan Benefits

Glacier International provides South African investors with direct international investment opportunities.


Glacier International Global Life Plan

Glacier International provides South African investors with direct international investment opportunities.


Glacier Globe - July 2019 - Issue One


Investment options on the Wealth Edge Plan

An overview of the various investment options available, categorised according to risk exposure.


Wealth Edge Endowment

Give your clients the one thing they wish for: the ability to take maximum advantage of markets, with an optional protection strategy.


Ten reasons to invest in equities

In these uncertain times, investors are faced with a very important decision – whether to stay invested in the markets and bear the brunt of the tough economic climate, or rather to switch to cash?


Providing peace of mind during uncertain times

Backed by Sanlam, Glacier is a leading player in the South African investment industry, and one of the largest players in the retirement space.


Global life plan benefits: Comparison

Offshore share portfolio: Global Life Plan vs Direct.


Glacier Invest: Discretionary Fund Management

In a bold step to ensure that our intermediaries have access to the best available world-class investment solutions and strategies, we are very proud to present our significantly enhanced discretionary fund management (DFM) and consulting capability, GLACIER INVEST.


Glacier Cash Option

The Glacier Cash Option offers a cost-effective “parking place” for funds waiting to be invested elsewhere, or for investors looking for a low-risk, cash-type investment. The Cash Option is only available for investments made with discretionary money. Investors can switch to and from the Cash Option whenever they and their intermediary consider it an appropriate time to do so.


The Glacier AI Flexible Fund of Funds

In a crowded multi-asset market place, it is vital to be able to provide a differentiated investment solution that stands out form the masses. The Glacier AI Flexible Fund of Funds was designed to eliminate human emotions, actively adapt to changing markets and help to materially improve the consistency of achieving investment goals with significantly reduced downside risk.


FAIS FSP Categories

The new Fit and Proper Requirements was published on 15 December 2017 in Board Notice 194 of 2017 and became operational on 1 April 2018.


Retirement Income Considerations

Investment-Linked Lifetime Income Plan - Which type of retirement income product to purchase?


Guaranteed Life Annuities

Our guaranteed life annuities give your clients the certainty of a lifelong retirement income, and the opportunity to provide for their loved ones after their death. READ MORE


Regulatory guidelines for intermediaries

RDR will require financial intermediaries to think about their own value proposition and how they will position this to their clients.


Global Stock Feeder Fund

The popularity of global equity funds has grown significantly over recent years. In partnership with global asset manager Dodge & Cox, we bring investors the opportunity to invest in an actively managed global equity portfolio through the Glacier Global Stock Feeder Fund.


Investment- Linked Lifetime Income Plan

Providing retirees with a sustainable investment-linked income in retirement.


Intermediary Value Proposition

Glacier by Sanlam offers investment solutions, designed to assist in the creation and preservation of wealth. Our offering encompasses local investments, including fixed term investments and investments with guarantees, international investments, retirement saving solutions, and retirement income solutions.


Glacier's Investment Hub quick guide

Simpler systems, auto data capture and less paperwork give you the power to get things done on your own terms.


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