Retirement Insights | 1 min read

Purchase the gift of certainty

The Sanlam Income with Capital Preservation Plan: purchase a lifelong income and guaranteed capital at death with your own optional savings

Invest in the Sanlam Income with Capital Preservation Plan (SICP) and you’ll be meeting a bunch of your investment requirements, says Linda Blom, Business Development Manager at Glacier by Sanlam. She examines how this versatile solution adds value in your diversified investment portfolio.

The SICP guarantees a regular income for the rest of your life and a capital amount – chosen by you at death – to take care of your loved ones or create liquidity in your estate.

How the SICP works

Your capital will purchase two life annuities. One of them will provide you with a regular, guaranteed gross income for the rest of your life and the second life annuity will pay for the premiums of your life cover policy, which will provide an amount selected by you for your loved ones or deceased estate when you pass away.

The SICP offers options

  1. You have the option to add a second life insured
    If you added, for example, your spouse as a second life insured, the income will continue to be paid for their lifetime after your death. You will also have the option to reduce the income payment by a selected percentage on your death.
  1. You have the option to choose the value of the life cover
    To provide for your dependants after you pass away or create liquidity in your estate, you can choose any amount of life cover, from a minimum of R20 000 to a maximum of the value of your initial investment amount.
  1. You can protect the purchasing power of your income
    You can choose to let your income increase by a chosen percentage every year.

A life cover policy in the SICP will pay out the specified amount at your death and no executor’s fees are payable if this amount is paid to your chosen beneficiaries. Other benefits of this product are that there are no medical underwriting requirements and no review of the life policy premium.

View more information on the Sanlam Income with Capital Preservation Plan (Optional)

Glacier Financial Solutions (Pty) Ltd and Sanlam Life Insurance Ltd are licensed financial services providers.
The Sanlam Income with Capital Preservation Plan is a policy underwritten by Sanlam Life, a licensed life insurer, financial services and registered credit provider (NCRCP43)

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