Goal-driven savings

Glacier Tax-Free Investment Plan

Investment income earned within the plan, as well as capital gains are tax free; you can adjust your portfolio when your needs and risk appetite change and it is easy to access your money if you need to.

View the brochure for more details

Minimum contribution

R3 000 per month or
R36 000 lump sum

Maximum contribution

R36 000 per tax year, and
R500 000 per lifetime

How long to invest for

No fixed period but a minimum of three years is recommended to limit the negative impact of short-term market fluctuations.

Your investment choices

Access to the widest choice of investments:

  • A range of risk-profiled investment funds
  • Actively managed or passive index-tracking funds
  • Single manager or multi-manager funds

Investment funds that charge performance fees are excluded. Investment in individual shares, exchange traded funds (EFTs) and other stockbroking instruments will also not be allowed.


  • You can customise your investment portfolio according to your needs, circumstances and how much risk you are willing to take
  • Investment income earned through interest, dividends or capital gains is tax-free
  • You can easily access your money – see ‘Access to your money’ below
  • You can subscribe to a contribution report to help you monitor your contribution limits

How it works

  • You can contribute up to R36 000 per tax year, either as a lump sum or in monthly instalments of R3 000
  • We invest the money in the underlying investments that you choose in collaboration with your financial planner
  • Your money can grow tax-free over time based on your underlying investments and can benefit from the effect of Compound interest is the interest that you earn on interest. It’s basic math, really: if you have R100 and it earns 5% interest each year, you'll have R105 at the end of the first year. At the end of the second year, you'll have R110.25. Not only did you earn R5 interest on the initial R100 capital, you also earned R0.25 in interest on the R5 interest.  earned on any growth
  • You can invest a maximum amount of R36 000 per tax year, and R500 000 per lifetime

Access to your money

  • You can make tax-free withdrawals at any time
  • When you die, the investment will form part of your estate


  • You will pay no income tax on income distributions
  • You will pay no capital gains tax when you dispose of or sell or switch units within an investment


Fees vary per product and your underlying investment. Please speak to your financial planner to make sure you pay the correct fees and that you understand which fees you pay and why.

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