Glacier Insights

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Recent Articles

Retirement Insights | 2 min read
Tax implications of retirement annuity contributions on behalf of minors
Retirement Insights | 6 min read
The 10 most important considerations when selecting a retirement income solution
Retirement Insights | 1 min read
Government workers as a market for financial planning – an overview
Retirement Insights | 4 min read
Considering options for discretionary capital in the GEPF environment
Retirement Insights | 3 min read
Considering options for ‘compulsory money’ in the GEPF environment
Retirement Insights | 4 min read
Considerations regarding a deceased loved one’s retirement savings
Industry Insights | 3 min read
Glacier to acquire Alexander Forbes’ individual client administration business


Economic Report

These reports take a look at highlights in the local and global markets over the preceding month.

Shari’ah Fund Guide

A quarterly guide to Shari’ah-compliant investing on the Glacier platform.

Shopping List (Local)

A reference guide to superior collective investment schemes in South Africa.

Funds on Friday

A topical discussion on developments in the industry, often incorporating comments from leading fund managers or asset management houses.

Client Brochures

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Intermediary Brochures

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Bull & Bear

The Bull & Bear report collates the performance expectations of leading South African Asset Managers over the coming 12 months.

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Glacier Retirement Income Planner

Step-by-step guidance to find the optimal combination of retirement income solutions

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Glacier Retirement Salary Calculator

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